Sunday shopping at Costco
After check out, stuck in traffic to get outLoL Sunday shopping at Costco is just too crazy.
After check out, stuck in traffic to get outLoL Sunday shopping at Costco is just too crazy.
I just uploaded a new Keychain video onto Youtube. Please check it out. This is a Happily Ever After real wood keychain. It is about 1.8 inches (4.5cm) in diameter. 0.4 inch (1cm) in thickness. It comes with a stainless steel, ultra durable cable wire as the Keyring. It is about 6 inch (15cm) in length. High Tensile Strength twist cable loop to easily attach keys. The word: Happily Ever After is precisely laser engraved on one side of aRead More→
Finally, I can write my blog post using iPhone WordPress app. It’s gonna be a fun project: changing windows screen. Easy task
終於有時間可以坐低寫一篇慳錢心得。哩篇技術文貼,我個人認為較為複雜。不過當你諗通左之後,其實好簡單. 適逄今日係 Tmobile Tuesday, 又咁岩有 50% off Groupon local deal 既special. 所以今日既技術文,需要: (1) Tmobile Tuesday redeem 50% off Groupon local deal Update: Discount code 唔可以用響哩個Google Express deal… (2) Groupon account (3) Google Express Account (4) Ebates Account 如果你唔係 Tmobile Customer, 都無乜所謂,最重要係個 Concept & Mind Set 步驟: (1) 先用Tmobile Tuesday App 禁左 Redeem 50% off Groupon Local deal. 你應該係會拎到一個 Discount code. (2) 去 到搵 Google Express. 懶既話 –> 禁哩度 Read More→
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