September 2020

UberEats / DoorDash / Grubhub Promo Codes 今週整理9.26

Posted on September 26, 2020

為咗方便大家 Weekend唔洗煮飯,我整理咗哩個 UberEats / DoorDash / Grubhub 折扣碼. 大家盡情享用. 有啲可能係 Targeted Promo.睇吓好唔好彩.  Grubhub: MAGICBAG5 — 下兩個單, 每個單買滿$15減$5. (某啲地區得. 我唔中) — 第1次用Grubhub買野食, 可以減$10 (只適用新用戶) UberEats: FALLEATS — 下兩個單, 有30%折扣. (每個單最多減$15) 9.30 expire EATS-UBERKAKEILEE — 第1次用Uber Eats買野食,可以減$7. (只適用新用戶) TOMAYTO — 下一個單減$20 TOMAHTO — 下一個單減$20 Doordash: PICK30SEPT30C — 自己pick up可享有30%折扣. 9.27 expire DDSAVE50 – 下兩個單, 有50%折扣. (每個單最多減$25) 9.27 expire DDSAVE50X2 – 下兩個單, 有50%折扣. (每個單最多減$25) 9.27 expire DDSAVE75 – 下兩個單, 有75%折扣. (每個單最多減$25) 9.27 expire CHACHINGX2 – 下個單, 可享有20%折扣. (最多減$10) 9.30 expire CAVWELCOME10 – 下個單, 可享有10%折扣. 9.30 expire CONV25 – 第1次的convenience店買野 (CVS, Walgreens or 7-11), 可享有25%折扣. 最多減 $20) —- 頭3次用Doordash買野食, 每個單可以減$5.  希望大家可以安心坐響屋企享受豐富美食. 如果大家鐘意哩啲慳錢post,請記得分享. 我現在亦都接受捐款支持, , 大家可以scan 以下QR code. 多多益善, 小小無拘. Thank you!

Masterclass Student discount offer. Only 9.17.2020

Posted on September 17, 2020

[Today Only] Masterclass student discount. 1 year access for $1 only! One DOLLAR! You can learn & master the skills from the world famous people such as Gordon Ramsay, Wolfgang Puck, deadmau5, Bob Iger, Penn & Teller and more.(1) Have a .edu email address(2) sign up within TODAY 9.17.2020(3) verify your .edu email(4) pay Side note: (A) Chase / BOA may have a Masterclass $15 credit off to make it completely free for 1 year. Make sure you add thatRead More


Posted on September 12, 2020

[無料資訊放送] 今年都唔知做乜鬼嘢, 又疫情又山火. 搞到個個都唔可以正常出街玩. 局住要留響屋企玩手指 由於我哋要狸埋響屋企好長時間, 揀番個好嘅 Air Filter就變得好重要.  有見及此, 我今朝早就做咗少少research. 睇咗 Consumer Report..佢地評 Air Filter 係會睇個隔塵網嘅阻隔塵粒, 煙嘅能力, 加埋空氣流動能力. 有啲牌子阻隔能力好好, 但就一啲空氣都過唔到.咁就會搞到間屋好局好炆. 又有啲牌子嘅隔塵網好似響街市載蒜頭果啲袋咁透, 乜都阻隔唔到. 淨係得個樣. 以下哩款, 係 Consumer Report 推薦, 又高分, 但又唔會 Break our wallet 嘅隔塵網. Filtrete 1900 Maximum Allergen Reduction 哩款阻隔塵粒同煙係拎 5 分, 空氣流動能力係 4 分 (5分為滿分)。總分係 65分 大家可以響 Lowe’s到買得到.  1 粒賣緊  $20+tax. 買4個同款同尺寸嘅, 就再會有 additional 20% discount. 都幾划算. 有 Free in-store pick up 或 Free shipping.   傳送門: 按我 溫馨提示: 記得睇下自己屋企個 Filter 尺寸先買呀. 如果大家平日有買開 Lowe’s discount gift card, 就仲可以慳得更多 響 Consumer Report 再高分嘅, 就會係賣成 $40 – $80 一粒。唔推薦. 因為真係好 Q貴. (除非你好有錢.) 最後, 我有compare過 Costco 賣果個 3M Filtrete Healthy Living 2200. (賣緊$60 on Consumer Report 評價無 Filtrete 1900 好。得分 59.  所以大家可以試下去Lowe’s 到買嚟用下. 記得要揀 MERV 13 等級或以上先可以阻隔到山火啲煙味嫁

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