
[Free] See’s Candies – Lollypop 7.20.2018 (Friday)

Posted on July 19, 2018

Finally Finally tomorrow is Friday! Other than the free stuff at Ralphs. To make it more sweet, you can stop by See’s Candies to pick up a free Lollypop! That will brighten up your day for sure. Hurry go get it while you still can!   聽日終於係神聖既星期五,我真係挨左好耐先黎到星期五。除左係有 Ralphs 既免費野可以拎之外,仲有免費 Lollypop 響 See’s Candies 店入面!仲唔快啲去搶 哩條超連結可以搵到 See’s Candle 店。Here is the store locator: See’s Candies Store Location  

Couponing – 第3課

Posted on July 18, 2018

今日黎到第 3 課 首先當然要重溫一下第 2 課講左乜,如果你錯過左尋日既blog post, 可以去返哩到睇返。 咁話說尋日就分享左我自己的部 iPhone 入面有乜野 app. 同埋推薦左大家申請垃圾郵箱既時候係選用 gmail。仲有推介左密碼app: 1password 咁今日講乜好? 當然就係點樣用coupon. 電子類既折扣卷,大多數既操作方式係將折扣卷加入你既會員帳號入面。 例如: Ralphs. 我個人每星期都會去Ralps 至少一次。唔係因為貪Ralphs係外國人既超級市場,而係 Ralphs 每個星期五都會有免費野送出黎。 每逄星期五,你都可以去下面哩個網址,然後登入你自己既 Ralphs 帳號,就可以將個免費 Coupon load 入去你個 Ralphs 帳戶入面。 然後,你就可以去到 Ralphs,搜尋當週的免費產品。有啲 Ralphs 係將免費既產品事先放響 Check out 既地方附件,客人比較容易搵到。例如 Monterey Park Atlantic 上面既 Ralphs,就會係拎哂出黎。 不過由於蟥蟲太多,所以好多野都比人掃哂。所以建議免費野就早拿早享受。 不過,亦都有啲 Ralphs 係將啲免費產品收收埋埋,仲要收得好好。唔問職員既話,係根本搵唔到出黎。 當你搵到個免費野之後,就可以大條道理咁去 check out. 埋單既時候,記得輸入申請帳號時既電話號碼,咁就會自動搵到你張 coupon 啦。 2017 – 2018年之間,印象較深印既係送左BBQ醬同埋一整條麵包。所以你地都快啲申請個  Ralphs 帳號,然後星期五開始同我一齊去拎免費野啦。 提示: 就算你淨係拎一個免費野去埋單都OK。最後都會係 $0.00. 從以上例子見,Digital Coupon 係幾咁容易入手,使用亦都非常方便。load 入個account 到就可以用。 黎緊就快星期五,大家可以今個禮拜五去試下拎免費野。 玩coupon既野,要多試先會領略到。係熟能生巧既技術黎既。亦都好快上手同埋沉迷既嗜好。 星期五匯報一下你地既經驗啦。開心齊分享麻。其待你地既 Actions! 第 3 課完

[Free] Nestle Toll House Ice Cream Sandwich at 7-Eleven

Posted on July 2, 2017

Another freebie! You can get a free Nestle Toll House Ice Cream Sandwich at 7-11. Limited Quantities Available! Here what you need to do: (1) Download a 7-11 app on your Smartphone (2) Register an account (3) Go to bottom right, Click the three horizontal bars icon (4) Go to the top right, Click the “Scan & Save” (5) Then you will see the coupon!                   Stay cool and Enjoy this deliciousRead More

[Ralphs] Next Week Free Friday 7/7/2017!

Posted on July 2, 2017

Happy Sunday guys! Are you ready for your 4th of July yet? Today morning, a piece of news just come to me: The next week Ralphs / Food4less / Kroger free Friday will be a 1 FREE Private Selection™ Regional BBQ Sauce (19 oz., any variety)! Yes. You are right. It is a BBQ Sauce!! Make sure next week Friday 7/7/2017, follow this tutorial to get it for free!   How to get the most out of this deal? Register aRead More

[Free] Bag of Dog or Cat food at Pet Smart YMMV

Posted on July 1, 2017

First of all, let me explain what is YMMV stand for: Your Mileage May Vary. This means “It may work differently in your situation” quote from Wiktionary. This is one of the frequency used terms in coupon / deals community. Yesterday, I received an email from Petsmart. They sent me a coupon for a bag of dog or cat food for free. I can pick up any brand of dog food (up to 8lb) or cat food (up to 4.5Read More

[Free] Step by Step Tutorial Haribo Gummi Candy at Ralphs

Posted on June 30, 2017

Happy Friday! Every Friday Ralphs / Food4Less / Kroger gives out free stuff. I will use Ralphs as an example because Ralphs is the usual place I get all my free stuff. Haha   Here how you can get it: (1) Create a Ralphs account with your phone number and email. (2) On your Computer, go to this website (3) Then select “Ralphs” at the bottom. (4) Click “Sign in to Load” button (5) Sign in your account and theRead More

SnapFish 20ct 4"x6" free photos

[Dead Deal]SnapFish Free 20ct 4″x6″ photos received!

Posted on June 28, 2017

Today I received my last week ordered SnapFish Free 20ct 4″ x 6″ photos. The quality is pretty good. I am impressed especially they are free. Have you got yours yet? If you missed this deal, it’s okay. Just follow my blog and get it next time.

Peet's Coffee & Tea Logo

[Peet’s Coffee] One Free Drink!

Posted on June 28, 2017

Today morning I just received an email from Peet’s Coffee. They have updated their Peet’s coffee app. By updating their app, you will receive a free beverage in your app inbox within 24 hours. Good for any any size. Fine Print: *Free Beverage offer available in your app inbox within 24 hours of updating your Peetnik Rewards app. Valid at Peetnik Rewards locations. Offer can be redeemed for (1) Free Beverage of any size. Cannot be applied to previous purchases.Read More

Free Printing, Deals

[Free] 20 ct 4″ x 6″ photo w/ Free Shipping!

Posted on June 18, 2017

Hi guys, Happy Father’s Day! I hope you all have a great Father’s Day. Today, I would like to share with you a super great deal, and it is FREE! Here is the details: Snapfish provides 20 FREE 4″ x 6″ prints with Free Standard shipping. It is a great time to order from them particularly it is free of charge.   Here is what you need to do: (1) visit Snapfish website (2) sign in / join for freeRead More

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